Plugins: Online tools


At NUKLEUS we provide a variety of small and large software tools that help users to search for and analyse data. A corner stone of this software is the Freva software. Covering all aspects of the Freva software is out of scope of this documentation. For a detailed description please refer to the official freva documentation page.

Command line interface

To activate freva on one of the levante login nodes hosted by the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) simply type the following command:

module load clint regiklim-ces

This command will make the freva software available to you.

RegIKlim freva web

Freva comes not only with a command line interface and python library but also with a web based user interface (web UI). This web UI can be accessed via If you have any trouble with either the web UI, the command line interface or the python library please do not hesitate to contact us via

General Freva plugins

Freva cannot only search for datasets but also help you applying data analysis plugins. The following bullet points offer an overview of the available data analysis plugins:

  • Animator: Animate data on lon/lat grids

  • Blocking_2D: Calculate various 2D-Blocking Indices of the Northern Hemisphere

  • ClimateChangeProfile: Calculate climate change signals.

  • ClimDexCalc: Calculate the ETCCDI climate extreme indices

  • Climpact: Process climate model data for input of impact model

  • CWT: Calculate Circulation Weather Type by mean sea level pressure.

  • PERCENTILE: Calculate multiple percentiles using CDO

  • PSI: Calculate Precipitation Severity Index.

  • WTRACK: Wind tracking algorithm.

  • ZYKPAK: Cyclone tracking and identification package - applied to sea-level pressure -> psl

A detailed help of the available plugins can be found on the www-regkilim.dkrz help page.

If you want to get on board and develop your own plugins, we are more than happy to support you. Still, a good starting point is the consultation of the freva documentation and the plugin template repository.

RegIKlim specific Freva plugins

Below is a list of software that is also made available when loading the freva software:

  • gwl-loader To calculate global warming level from cmip6 and cmip5 model output data.

  • rechunk-data: To rechunk existing netcdf data. This tool helps chosing the optimal chunk size for your data and hence can significantly improve data processing performance.

  • jupyter-kernel-install: To install jupyter kernels for various programming languages into the users home. If you are missing your favourite language please contact us at

  • metadata-inspector: To inspect meta data of netcdf/grip/hdf5 and zarr data. This tool also supports multiple files and data in entire directories.